I've seen people in the OL put the Fleet Admiral on a completely different "tier" or stratosphere from the Admirals as well as the Yonko, and that is laughable. The Fleet Admiral could usually be stronger than an Admiral, but it'll only be by a slight margin at best, and not if they've occupied that position for decades to the point where they're old and past their prime like Sengoku. In Akainu's case, it was his assertive attitude, radical approach, and an iron resolve that put him ahead of the absent-minded Kizaru or the more compassionate Aokiji. In Sengoku's case, it was most likely his intellect, ability to formulate strategy, and his leadership ability. The Fleet Admiral tends to possess certain qualities or traits that his "subordinates" lack, which fit with the regime of the current Government. We also don't have any reference to any other previous Admirals from Roger's era, although we knew Kong was an FA when Sengoku was an Admiral. People use Old Sengoku being weaker than the C3 to say that the FA doesn't have to be stronger, but they forget the fact that Sengoku was most likely FA long before that, when he was in his prime. Either press and hold an assigned key to tap continuously or just tap once to execute the tap specific number of times.Click to expand.I'm going with this one. Switch to a better gaming experience with 'Repeated Tap' on BlueStacks. No more endlessly tapping on your phone screen when playing Fleet Command – Kill enemy ship & win Legion War. Be always ready to respond immediately in a heavy combat. Eliminate tearing and stutters by enabling High FPS as supported by the game. Take your enemies head on in Fleet Command – Kill enemy ship & win Legion War with BlueStacks. Waiting for the Fleet Command – Kill enemy ship & win Legion War to be launched in a specific language? With the all-new Real-time in-game translation feature, you may translate the game to any language. Now execute a series of actions in Fleet Command – Kill enemy ship & win Legion War by binding them to one key.

Script is a powerful addition to the existing BlueStacks Game Controls.